Some people dread birthdays and view them as annoying reminders of their mortality. Then there are people like my husband who can't be bothered to care one way or the other. I, fortunately, don't fall under either of those camps; I'm one of a minority of adults who shamelessly celebrates birthdays with the enthusiasm of an 8-year-old.
My birthday is very special because it's not just my birthday. The day before my birthday is the birthday of one of my oldest and closest friends, so this birthday thing isn't just about me and hasn't been for a long time. Last night we celebrated our birthdays together for the 10th consecutive year, which is a pretty awesome thing. 10 years of birthday shots (even the year we had to do it over the phone because I was in San Diego) and trips to Bubs and mega parties. It's really a pretty sweet coincidence.
A quick rundown of the birthday celebrating thus far:
It all started a week and a half ago when my doting husband got my present and couldn't wait til the day of my birthday to give it to me. He gave me a second fondue pot and one of my favorite movies, so now we can have chocolate and cheese fondue at the same time while we watch the Big Lebowski. Did I marry an amazing man or what?? The birthday celebration continued with an almond-flavored pound cake made by my mother-in-law (yum), pedicures and martinis with my birthday partner in crime, and an office covered in confetti and balloons. My colleagues also left a note saying they had hidden eggs in my office. Of course I had a moment of Gilmore Girls induced panic and thought they meant REAL eggs, but fortunately they're of the plastic variety and contain candy. The bummer is that I have only found 5 of the 6 eggs, so my productivity has suffered as I go on Monkesque fits of OCD searching. (My colleagues find this hysterical, by the way, so you can't accuse me of being selfish with the birthday thing -- this is very clearly for them.)
And the best part? It's not my birthday yet! There are 3 more days until it's time to celebrate for real! Man, I dig birthdays the most.
8 years ago
I thought you meant real eggs too! That would be terrible. And a mani/tini is THE way to go. :D