While I doubt many people will be following this as it goes on, Court and I are currently sitting outside of our house, waiting for trick or treaters with our two faithful mutts. Last minute costumes were in order, so we picked up a couple of dog costumes from Target for Marty & Flame (pics soon to come) and then we cobbled together (what I think) is a pretty respectable Jay & Silent Bob from what we had around the house. So far, no trick or treaters have yet stopped by for the goodies we're providing. But stay tuned here for updates as they happen! (Court would like to express her excitement over live blogging about something over than cows. Not that cows aren't fascinating.)

We just had our first trick or treaters! We had a clone trooper, some sort of nazghul with a spear, and... Something else. I'm afraid I didn't pay much attention... Either way, success!
They just walked back by -- Hannah Montana!! Mystery solved!
Now things are in full swing... We just had a rash of trick or treaters come by, including a girl dressed as the game Twister! Much props go to her for an off-beat costume... More to come...

We've obviously moved inside by this point, but the logistics of managing a hyper puppy whilst answering the door has proven to be a Herculean task. With this in mind, we wound up just putting the basket of candy outside with a note.
Lessons learned from tonight's adventure:
• you're officially old when you start trick or treating before the kids
• never underestimate the value of dressing as a pop culture icon
• NC autumns are too freaking warm for toboggans and trench coats
• dogs don't like hats
Good night, and good luck
-- Ak out