So Court's been sick for the past three days, which is a real bummer. I kind of sat around and poked her occasionally, if for no other reason than to make sure she still mumbled something incoherent after the pokes. Good times. The good news is, she's feeling much better, which means I can go back to being a lazy slug. Or not.
I have to train people this weekend. Me! Training! Granted, they're high school students, so that has to count for something, I guess. I'm teaching these guys a little bit about programming. It's pretty awesome, it's for the robotics group I mentor. You can learn more about the program at, or hang around me for about 10 minutes and mention the word "robotics." It's a pretty awesome gig, and I'm happy to be doing it, but what it really boils down to is the time I'm sitting here typing this entry, I should probably be making pretty slides. For that matter, the hours I just spent on my weekly game session should probably be spent on making slides. Really, when you get down to it, I should be making slides. But I'm obviously not at the moment, so what's that say about me? Oh yeah, that I'm a slacker.
Random shout-out time! So my best friend got engaged tonight, which is pretty spiffy... Being married for all of 3 months, I think I can attest to how awesome it is... Naturally, I can't really swear it'll always be awesome, but since Court has since walked into the room and is watching me type this, I'll do my best. Ahem: It'll always be awesome. (I actually believe that) ^_^
The only other exciting news that actually directly pertains to me that I can think of is our new tv! Well, new to us, anyway. A friend of mine needed some help doing manual labor, and at the same time, he was looking to get rid of his old tv. Being as how I love his old tv, I promptly agreed to do so, and now our poor tiny living room is dominated by a mammoth floor model rear projection tv. And I'm the happiest girl at the dance. ^_^
I think that's about all of the news that's fit to electronically publish, so I'm going to scamper off to do something pseudo-productive. Like floss my nightstand. If anyone needs me, I'll be doing that. Exactly that.
--Ak out
8 years ago
Congrats to J!!! When's the big day? And yeah, being married IS awesome, I've been doing it 4.5 years. It's better than dating and engaged by a long shot.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, maybe don't poke your sick wife if you want it to stay awesome. Just a thought.
But you do give a very interesting, concise breakdown of robotics if asked, and actually make it sound kind of cool. I'd like to see the competition!