Monday, March 30, 2009

They Gave Me an Inch

Check out my company's blog. It's highly entertaining and occasionally even educational. BTW, I'm a contributing author and have been given free rein to write regular columns about all the spelling and grammatical errors that get under my skin (insert evil laugh here). So if you come across anything particularly asinine that deserves a public flogging, send it my way!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

This post has nothing to do with moving day

Tag teaming off of my lovely wife, I've decided to pop on here with some of my own news! Unfortunately, Uncle Scotchy couldn't join us today, as he's napping quietly in a box for the new house. Also, it's not even 10:00 yet, so there's that. At any rate, there has been a small flurry of media activity around my company recently, so I thought I'd share some of it with all of you!

First off, there's a cross-promotion going on regarding the Dexter iPhone game, which isn't a huge deal, but I thought it was kind of neat:

Secondly, X-Play apparently interviewed Lee (our lead designer) while he was up at GDC this past week. It's a pretty standard piece on our game, but it's more exposure than we've seen (or at least I've seen), so I think it's pretty cool:

Anyway, I don't have anything really funny or witty or insightful to add, but I took this opportunity on today of all days to share that with you.

--Ak out

It's House Packing Day!

Last night, we had a lovely date at Olive Garden, in part because our waitress exploited our wine knowledge and made us sample things and report back to her. Being exploited is not always such a bad thing! Came home, watched some ball (GO HEELS!), got good and grumpy so we went to bed, and then... we didn't sleep. I have no idea why. The cats slept. It was dark out. We were tired. And yet, I was awake at 3 so I got up to get some water and check the scores. Then I was awake at 4:30 when a friend from Cali pocket-dialed me. And I was awake at 6 when the cats woke up and started to play.

But I can't be upset... not on house packing day! In a little while some friends are coming over to help up pack pretty much the whole house. For our next meal, it's paper products all the way. It'll be weird to go a week without our cooking stuff, wine glasses, etc., but it's just for a few days. A week from right now, there will be movers putting our stuff on a truck to cart it to our new house!

So without further ado, I'm off to do my morning chores so the packing party can commence!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

One Step Closer to Hippietown

I was all set to post a quick update when I logged on and saw that it has been exactly one month since our last post! Now I feel pressured. Well, since I'm concrete-sequential to the max, here's the down and dirty on life right now. Ak is working for the man to the tune of 58+ hours per week, and I'm still showing up everyday and learning the ins and outs of office politics. We're T-7 from closing on our house and T-10 from moving! Now, don't you feel bad for judging us? Oh wait, no one was judging? My bad. Add paranoid to our list of flaws these days.

Because we didn't feel like we had quite enough going on, we decided to try something new this year -- we joined a CSA! CSA, for you grocery store purists, stands for community-supported agriculture, defined by Wikipedia as "a socio-economic model of agriculture and food distribution." Nobody panic, I think that makes it sound much more extreme than it actually is. Basically, we pay a local farmer, who in return provides us with weekly produce and meat and bi-weekly cheese and eggs. I'm psyched about this on so many levels. Assuming nothing crazy like a drought happens, this will save us tons of money on food. I'm also pretty sure that local food will taste better than stuff that was picked weeks ago and shipped in, and the environmental side of me likes buying local. I'm also a pretty big fan of Durham, thugs and all, so I like that we're doing something tangible to support the Durham economy.

Now, those of you who know what I do for a living may be scratching your heads a bit here. Yes, it's true, my day job is promoting the biotechnology side of an agribusiness giant, so perhaps there's some irony that I choose to get my food from a CSA. Honestly, this wasn't so much a political choice for me as a general distaste of food that is supposed to be fresh but was grown in Chile or California. I'm too tired to going into all the ins and outs of this... so let's just say eat local, but feed your cows and hogs genetically-modified corn!