Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow Day

We, along with the rest of NC, got quite a bit of snow this weekend. The official count at RDU Airport is 5 inches, and that's right down the road so we'll go with that. Our puppy, we learned, loves the snow! She got a taste during the flurries a few weeks ago, but this weekend to her was the BEST WEEKEND EVER. Check back later for a video of Flame frolicking in the snow.

Watching the snow. (We normally don't allow her to do this, but she was so darn cute we let it go. Yes, you should be concerned about what that statement implies for our future parenting.)


Eww, snow.


Our street.

And the front of the house.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Partial List of Things We've Broken since Sunday

  1. Ak's car
  2. The bedroom door
  3. Living room bench
  4. Marty's bed
  5. My car
The great irony? None of these were animal-related!